At Brooksville Christian Church, we're always excited to welcome new visitors. We hope you'll join us for a service, and we want to make your visit as comfortable as possible. Here's what you can expect when you come to our 10:45a.m. service.
Our church is located at 148 W Miami Street., and parking is located behind the church, on the street in front, and along the road that goes back to the elementary school.
Please don't worry about what you'll wear to church, for we truly believe people should come to God as they are. You don't need to dress up to get his approval--that comes through Jesus' sacrifice. Once you walk in the doors, you'll see that the congregation has all types of people in all kinds of dress. While a few people in the church wear ties, others like to remind them that Jesus never wore a tie. Shorts are as welcome as suits, and you'll see both.
When you walk in, find one of our greeters and introduce yourself. They're usually stationed at the front doors and they'll show you where everything is. Our greeters can point you to the restrooms, sanctuary and fellowship area. If you have any questions about the service itself, the greeters are able to provide helpful answers.
We sing both hymns accompanied by piano & organ and modern worship songs using videos. We invite all believers to share in the Lord's Supper, partaking of the bread and cup as they are passed. Each person should examine him or herself as they partake and commune with Christ. Second, we do take up offerings. Our offerings are not the “price of admission,” but rather an opportunity for our members to share together in this ministry as God has blessed them. Our guests are neither expected to, nor prohibited from giving. The minister's messages are strongly grounded in God's Word and are meant to encourage, inspire, challenge, and motivate us to follow Jesus more closely growing both in knowledge and spiritual maturity.
Because we believe that children are a vital part of the church family, we desire for them to learn to worship by watching and participating along with the adults during the opening part of the service. This enables parents to explain and demonstrate how and why we worship. So children 3 and over start off in the main service. Following the offering, children 3-1st grade are dismissed to go to Wee Worship in the church's basement and 2nd-5th grade to Junior Church in the fellowship hall. We do have a nursery available for children up to 3 years old in the church's basement.
We hope this gives you an understanding of what to expect when you join us. If you have questions, please feel free to contact us by phone, email, Facebook Messenger, or through the contact form on this website. We hope to see you soon.